Marie Curie Actions
Marie Curie Actions aim to strengthen, quantitatively and qualitatively, the human potential in research and technology in Europe, by stimulating people to take up the profession of a researcher, encouraging European researchers to stay in Europe, and attracting to Europe the best researchers from the entire world. The Marie Curie Actions support training and career development for researchers taking jobs abroad (over national borders) at a prestigious organization. All domains of research are eligible. Depending on the Marie Curie Action, a project should last between two and four years.The main Marie Curie Actions
There are two types of Actions:
- Individual driven actions:
- IEF: Intra-European Fellowship
- IOF: International Outgoing Fellowship
- IIF: International Incoming Fellowship
- ERG: European Reintegration Grant
- IRG: International Reintegration Grant
- Host driven Actions
- IAPP: Industry-Academia Partnership & Pathway
- IRSES: International Research Staff Exchange Scheme
- ITN: Initial Training Network
- Cofund: Co-funding of regional, national & international Programmes
- Euraxess: Support for Euraxess’ Services Network
- Night: Researchers’ Night